Her Canna Q&A with Andrea Meharg, Reveal Cannabis


Andrea said: “I decided that someone needed to start teaching others about the fascinating world of cannabis… that person is now me!”

Describe yourself and what you do.

As a cannabis educator, I teach people how they can use cannabis to start feeling happier and healthier. I teach group classes online, workshops in person, and I also do private consultations. Over on my YouTube channel I have videos that range from teaching you how to make your own cannabis infusions to why CBD works. On Facebook and Instagram, I post daily education about using cannabis for health and wellness. And coming soon I’ll even have two e-courses ready to go. My mission is to spread the word about the amazing healing and transformational power of this plant. 

When did you get started working with cannabis? What is your vision for your professional cannabis endeavors?

After 14 years of teaching elementary school, I decided to focus my efforts on cannabis just over a year ago. My mission is to empower and educate people so they can learn to take their health into their own hands. I envision a world where people are able to grow the type of cannabis that works for them and process it themselves so they are in complete control over their own medicine.


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What is your personal cannabis origin story?

Three years ago, I had a breakdown. I was trying to be the best school teacher, mom, wife, daughter, friend, etc., and I couldn’t keep all the proverbial balls up in the air. I sunk into a deep depression and couldn’t get out of bed, never mind mother my kids, go to work or be a partner to my husband. It was the darkest time of my life. After months of trying everything from prescription medication to therapy to meditation with no results, a friend gave me a baggie of cannabis and said she thought it might help. It did. For the first time in months, I laughed. I’d forgotten what it was like to feel that good. Fast forward through several months of trial-and-error with strains, doses, and ingestion methods and I was able to get back to my life and actually thrive. I decided that someone needed to start showing others about the fascinating world of cannabis…that person is now me! I started Reveal Cannabis with the goal of educating the world about the benefits of this healing plant.

What is your Superpower?

As a trained teacher, I’m excellent at taking a huge subject matter and making it accessible to students. That skill has transferred over so well to cannabis education because there is so much to learn, and a lot of it is quite complicated. I love combing through the research, books, and articles and making sense of it all.


What has been your greatest obstacle in this industry or with your business to date?

Marketing. Before starting Reveal Cannabis, I had visions of all the clients who would just flock to my website and book me solid. It turns out that reality is much more difficult! Trying to figure out how to reach my ideal clients is a big hurdle. As for tackling it, I read lots of books and talk to other business owners to get tips, but due to restrictions on cannabis advertising, it’s not always applicable advice.

My mission is to spread the word about the amazing healing and transformational power of this plant.” 

What is your advice for women in the cannabis industry?

I absolutely love being in the cannabis industry because of all the vibrant, welcoming women who I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and working with. There is something special about sharing a smoke session with a group of “high-minded” ladies that I’m not sure exists in other spaces. If you’re thinking about jumping into cannabis, I say go for it. There is so much space for women in this industry.

Connect with Andrea Meharg:

Website: www.revealcannabis.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/revealcannabis

Facebook: www.facebook.com/revealcoachingcanada

YouTube: www.youtube.com/revealcannabis

Meet Andrea at Ellementa Gatherings she leads in London, Ontario.

Attend Ellementa Cannabis Wellness Gatherings for Women in Your City

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