Her Canna Q&A with Mskindness B. Ramirez, Club Kindness, Inc. & Elixirs by Kindness

Mskindness B. Ramirez of Elixirs by Kindness said:

I believe that if we can supplement our Cannabidiol deficiencies with effective Cannabis products, we can free our minds and bodies to prepare a better world for our children.”

Describe yourself and what you do.

In the past, I’ve always described myself as a multi-passionate entrepreneur because in all of my ventures, I’ve gone where my heart takes me. But in Cannabis I have found my true calling. So now I’ve taken a culmination of my education, skills, and career experience to build two organizations that I am very proud of. I currently serve as the Executive Director for Club Kindness, Inc., a non-profit organization created to support patients, brands, and dispensaries with holistic Cannabis Education, as well as the CEO for Elixirs by Kindness, my Cannabidiol infused apothecary line. And I’ve never felt more alive. 


When did you get started working with cannabis? What is your vision for your professional cannabis endeavors?

I started doing research and attending events in the cannabis space in 2013, but I officially filed for my 215 collective in August of 2015. Since then our mission to educate hasn’t wavered, but our business model has drastically evolved. Now, as a frequent public speaker both within and outside of the industry, I hope to reach others with a message that helps to change the stigma around cannabis use, motherhood, and professionalism by showing the world another face of cannabis. Our work with Club Kindness supports this mission. And my goals with EBK are to reach, reach, and then reach a few more… people with a high-quality CBD products. I believe that if we can supplement our Cannabidiol deficiencies, we can free our minds and bodies to prepare a better world for our children. 

What is your personal cannabis origin story?

Ahhh, my origin story. Well in March 2012, I was 26 weeks pregnant when I slipped and fell on a puddle in the grocery store. The fall caused a condition called Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD). My SPD soon found me in constant pain and on bedrest. It led to pre-term labor (don’t worry, she’s perfectly fine and healthy; now 8) followed by months and months of chronic pain & neuropathy. Doctors were quick to prescribe me with opioids, but this was never going to be an option for me; so when my research for natural remedies led me down the cannabis path, I opened myself to it. 

I was an 80’s baby, so I definitely had some misgivings about public use, but after almost two years of pain and depression, I had to give it a try. Minutes after experiencing the relief from my first homemade 21-day tincture, I was convinced that the world needed to know what I had just discovered. And to say the least, the rest is history!


What is your Superpower?

Definitely My EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE! Although it can definitely be a curse and a blessing at times. I’ve been a teacher for as long as I can remember. Long before I had any formal training or education. I was the kid on the block who made everyone sit down to play “school” and I was always the teacher. As a grad student I was one of four students nominated for an excellence award and as first year teacher, I was awarded Teacher of the Year. 

Now, I realize that my gift for connecting so easily with others is tied to my ability to see exactly where they are and then meet them there. I believe that’s what it takes to move forward with any real understanding. 

What has been your greatest obstacle in this industry or with your business to date?

Raising capital has been and continues to be our biggest obstacle. Because my husband and I had sacrificed a significant amount of money to fund our last business, I had to bootstrap to start my dispensary Club Kindness. But at the end of 2018, I took the apothecary products (EBK) to a full Hemp-derived CBD line, and we filed for Club Kindness’ 501(c)3 status. Then lots began to change. We’re still tackling our financial goals and may seek larger, more substantial investments soon. But for now, we continue to see double digit percentage increases each month and Club Kindness gains new industry clients each month!

I hope to reach others with a message that helps to change the stigma around cannabis use, motherhood, and professionalism by showing the world another face of cannabis.”

What is your advice for women in the cannabis industry? What would you like women to know about entering the Cannabis industry or exploring Cannabis?

I’d just like to see more of them! There are so many opportunities within the space, and history has shown us time and time again that when women take the helm, prosperity comes. I’ve chosen to focus most of our brand messaging on women because I know that we often make the financial and health decisions in our households. My hope is that professional women who consume cannabis come out of the shadows. I want to teach the world that cannabis consumers are mothers, wives, community leaders, teachers, homemakers and executives. 

I’m working to change this stigma through my own organizations, my podcast series “Sneaking in Silence,” my collaboration with Cannabis Women’s Empowerment Society, and our community events that showcase women owned cannabis brands, while giving back to charity organizations in the surrounding community. 

What’s next for your company?


The next Club Kindness event is coming in February 2019: LoveDAZE will benefit charity, feature lady brands, and feature entertainment. We’re excited. 

With new websites coming by the end of the year for both orgs, we’re really excited about some of our new offerings. EBK just launched our new 250mg CBD Vape Pens. “Kind Pens” are 1/2 gram gold pens, disposable and recyclable through our 10 for 1 program! Kind Rolls are our new CBD Flower pre-rolls coming January 2019! 
And also, in January 2019, EBK will launch our “Glass Maker” campaign. Customers who return 10 tincture bottles to us will receive a free bottle. But the really cool part about the program is how the returned glass will be used to create one of kind smoking accessories, ashtrays, and artwork for the fundraising programs of Club Kindness, Inc. See how that works?! #Cannabisgivesback 

Connect with Mskindness B. Ramirez:

Instagram:@mskindnessb, @clubkindness.la, and/or @elixirsbykindness

Facebook:Club Kindness, Elixirs by Kindness, and Mskindness B.

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